Friday, April 27, 2007

Pinkberry Jingle Saga

For those of you who aren't familiar with Pinkberry, let me clue you in.

Not to long ago I was out to lunch with my friends Darren and Steve.
After lunch they took me to Pinkberry and my life hasn't been the same since.
Pinkberry is in a nutshell "Frozen Yogurt." There is only one flavor (2 if you count that green tea shit) and the toppings range from fresh fruit to captain crunch. Here is the kicker: It's good for you!


I usually make it a point to get Pinkberry once every day or so. It's sort of how someone needs their starbucks once a day.
I am a passionate supporter of Pinkberry both financially and emotionally.

A couple weeks ago I decided I was going to write a Jingle for them. I hadn't thought about it for a few days until 2 seconds ago my roommate went to the Pinkberry site. Much to my shock and disgust, they already had a jingle!

I am not an egotistical man but I could destroy this sorry excuse of a jingle.

Listen for yourself.

I am going to write one and have them replace it with mine.



Caitlin said...

Next time you are there, do please tell them to open a shop in Chicago. I am dying to try it.

Raptor Porn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

don't diss the green tea shit man

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't be hard to do a better jingle. That one is a bit lame.

Anonymous said...

Dude will there be a blog about the show you just did?

Raptor Porn said...

please say there will be a blog about the show you just did.

Raptor Porn said...

"Here is the kicker: It's good for you!"


Anonymous said...

I like the video blogging, do more of it

Unknown said...

That seriously is one catchy jingle they have there. How can we find out who did it? I'm so curious!!

Anonymous said...

charlie, i don't doubt that you would write an amazing pinkberry jingle . a jingle that will open everyones eyes to the fact that pinkberry will bring about peace on earth.
but i have to say the one on the site is pretty sick.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!