For those of you who aren't familiar with Pinkberry, let me clue you in.
Not to long ago I was out to lunch with my friends Darren and Steve.
After lunch they took me to Pinkberry and my life hasn't been the same since.
Pinkberry is in a nutshell "Frozen Yogurt." There is only one flavor (2 if you count that green tea shit) and the toppings range from fresh fruit to captain crunch. Here is the kicker: It's good for you!
I usually make it a point to get Pinkberry once every day or so. It's sort of how someone needs their starbucks once a day.
I am a passionate supporter of Pinkberry both financially and emotionally.
A couple weeks ago I decided I was going to write a Jingle for them. I hadn't thought about it for a few days until 2 seconds ago my roommate went to the Pinkberry site. Much to my shock and disgust, they already had a jingle!
I am not an egotistical man but I could destroy this sorry excuse of a jingle.
Listen for yourself.
I am going to write one and have them replace it with mine.